Digital at the heart of your challenges

Digital is key to becoming more efficient and meeting new challenges such as reducing water and energy consumption or recycling waste. As a leader in our markets, we're developing and integrating new functions and technologies into each product in our portfolio, such as IA or IoT, to meet the great demand for intelligent and environmental services from our customers.
Patricia Villoslada , SVP SUEZ Digital Solutions

Digital Solutions lie at the heart of our ambitious strategic plan. This relies on a new way of organising digital expertise via a unique Digital Solutions Differenciation Unit featuring over 600 data and artificial intelligence experts. The unit is enabling us to speed up the creation of high-value-added solutions for all our customers around the world.

With these digital solutions, we are the European leader in smart water metering, and world leader in smart digital water operations and smart asset management solutions. Our digital solutions also help more than 1 million people to increase recycling and recovery of their waste.

> 6


smart water meters deployed worldwide

> 45 000

connected objects for smart waste management

> 1 500

customers using our smart water systems and platforms worldwide

> 15


people benefiting from digital waste services



data and artificial intelligence experts

European leader in IoT solutions

Smart metering is an essential tool in preserving resources.

In our water business

Our ON’connect™ range of solutions allows customers to save up to 16% through reductions in users’ consumption (restraint in terms of water use, water-efficient equipment), the detection of leaks on the premises of consumers and businesses, and improvements in network performance. For communities, our digital solutions allow targeted action to save water, by rapidly identifying the largest leaks at industrial and small-business customers and in commercial buildings, identifying peaks in consumption related to hosepipe use, and dealing with drought-related restrictions and seasonal consumption patterns.

They also help improve energy performance by reducing consumption of domestic hot water—since 50% of the water used by customers is heated before use—which can save a household up to €200 per year.

We integrate all the technologies that are best suited to each of our customers’ uses and requirements: WIZE provides a competitive advantage, but we also use LoRa concentrators and we are developing NB-IoT solutions for some countries. We work with world-leading meters manufacturers and partner with leading telecoms operators around the world.

We benefit from our long-standing metering expertise via our global metering and metrology technical centre near Lyon in France, and its expertise in leak detection, which we combine with our data science capabilities to develop innovative water use analysis services.

For waste recycling and recovery

Our connected solutions allow customers to streamline and optimise their waste containers by measuring their fill levels and positioning and access to them, and to improve service quality by giving waste management staff real-time information and allowing digital supervision of the service.

The various enterprise software modules that can be used in SaaS mode make it easier to manage containers and plan waste collections. Our embedded mobile applications guide our teams on the ground so that collections are optimised, and collect real-time information that is useful for their work.

Our solutions in IoT

Local authorities


A complete range dedicated to optimising collection for local authorities and private companies.
Local authorities

ON’connect™ metering

A solution for remote reading of water meters that provides real-time monitoring of consumption, with automated readings and the generation of alerts in the event of anomalies.
Local authorities

ON’connect™ trends

A global and accurate view of water consumption across the region, thanks to the analysis of data from communicating water meters and artificial intelligence.
Local authorities

ON’connect™ coach

A platform enabling private and business users to monitor their water consumption and usage. The aim is to save money by adopting new, more environmentally-friendly habits.
Header Local authorities
Local authorities

ON'connect™ fluids

Centralise your consumption data to help you reduce the environmental impact of your buildings, meet regulatory requirements and control your budgets.
Local authorities

ON’connect™ switch

To detect leaks in your buildings and remotely shut off the relevant water supply point.

World leader in smart operations

In the water business, our AQUADVANCED® range of solutions is aimed at all parts of the water cycle, allowing more efficient, timely and secure management of drinking water and wastewater services.

As regards resource management (surface and ground water)

Customers need to optimise their use of water resources and carry out ongoing monitoring of ground water resources and the associated withdrawal infrastructure (boreholes, wells, springs, piezometers, recharge zones and geothermal installations), while storing water in reservoirs during periods of drought and emptying them to anticipate rainfall and avoid flooding. Our solution optimises resource management using data and AI.

  • Over 500 wells  in France are monitored by our teams 
  • Over 300 outside France (in Senegal, Italy, Switzerland and Australia)

As regards water production

Our solution secures water withdrawals over the long term based on expected demand, optimises water purchases and sales, and reduces energy consumption related to the production and transportation of water via storage optimisation strategies that use energy at off-peak times and curtailment:

  • Water purchasing and selling costs reduced by up to 10%
  • Energy costs related to water production reduced by up to 20%
  • Curtailment capacity in the system allowing gains representing a 5–10% reduction in electricity bills
  • Return on investment in less than 1 year.

As regards drinking water distribution networks

Our solution reduces leak detection time by 75% and reduces water losses by at least 30%.

As regards wastewater and rainwater

Predictive management approaches and optimisation engines offer new ways of managing risks relating to flooding and the quality of water discharges into the natural environment:

  • Total volume of water discharged annually into the natural environment reduced by up to 50%
  • Additional storage capacity required reduced by up to 50% 
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements and time savings as regards mandatory reporting (self-monitoring, ongoing analysis), which can be reduced by half for the largest system

In terms of energy

AQUADVANCED® reduces the energy costs of water production and distribution systems by up to 15%; techniques including energy optimisation and curtailment in drinking water production/distribution systems, using predictive models to anticipate water consumption and adjust the drinking water production system in real time depending on electricity prices, the availability of equipment and available reserves.

Our solutions for Smart Operations

Local authorities

Aquadvanced® Water networks

Reduce losses, improve water quality and detect leaks in real time. Optimise the management of your drinking water networks with Aquadvanced® Water Networks.
Local authorities

Aquadvanced® Urban Drainage

Optimise your wastewater and stormwater network with Aquadvanced® Urban Drainage. Reduce overflows and prevent flooding.
Local authorities

Aquadvanced® Plant

Control the performance of your water and wastewater plants in real time and at 360° with Aquadvanced® Plant.
Local authorities

Aquadvanced® Water Supply

A real-time optimisation system for water distribution networks, proven to reduce energy costs.
Local authorities

Aquadvanced® Waterways

Our real-time hydrological and environmental management solution for surface water
Local authorities

Aquadvanced® Well Watch

The world's first solution for continuously monitoring and optimising the performance of boreholes and their pumps.
Local authorities


The intelligent, standardised control cabinet for optimised remote control of pumping stations
Local authorities

Smart Metrology Services

Thanks to continuous, automatic analysis of your data and intelligent algorithms, the solution enables you to detect sensor drift or computer anomalies. 

No. 1 in smart asset and urban services management

In the water business

Our AssetAdvanced™ solution allows urban services to make the right investment choices to ensure optimal service quality, while minimising the risk of asset failures and their environmental impact.

Our data- and AI-based asset management and decision-making platform allows customers to optimise infrastructure investment decisions by including multiple sources of data to measure and oversee the condition of assets, define optimal investment plans and work schedules taking into account their financial resources, priorities and risk of failure (e.g., leaks in the drinking water network and blockages in wastewater pipework).

  • Already over 50 customers worldwide (US, UK, Australia, etc.) serving around 75m people.
  • Reduction in capex of up to 30% for an overall asset renewal strategy, a 20% reduction in operating expenses related to inspections and maintenance planning, and a 30% reduction in risk.

In circular waste management

Our WasteAdvanced™ solution for waste-to-energy plants enables users to adjust their plant management actions, guaranteeing greater stability for the entire process. Thanks to its comprehensive overview and predictive analyses, the intelligent platform can anticipate anomalies and reduce contingencies. As a result, interventions for dispensable curative maintenance actions are reduced, and preventive and predictive operations are better prepared and optimized. With greater anticipation, it is now possible to manage performance, reduce maintenance costs and reagent consumption.

For optimized management of urban services

Our Villagile™ solution enables local authorities to centralize information and access a shared view of data for more collaborative and agile management.

Our solutions for Asset Management

Lead digital project manager
Local authorities


Your decision-support platform enabling urban services to make the right investment choices for optimum service quality, while minimising the risk of asset failure and environmental impact.
Local authorities


WasteAdvanced™ is a digital application dedicated to optimised performance management of waste-to-energy plants.
Local authorities


Villagile™ is a modular platform that centralises, secures and manages the exposure of your data. It offers you tools for better collaboration between the players in your territory and a shared vision.

They trust us

Le Mans: saving resources with smart metering

Since 2018, we have installed 120,000 smart water meters in this region. The aim is to provide residents with a better quality of service by giving them accurate information about their water consumption, as well as high consumption and leak alerts.

To optimise its water network and improve performance and user satisfaction, the Le Mans water company has opted for the AQUADVANCED® real-time water network management system.

This has resulted in practical benefits for both the local authority and users:

  • Greater responsiveness in terms of identifying leaks in the network is significantly increasing performance: night-time flow rates have been reduced by 30 m3 per hour, the equivalent of 100 Olympic-sized swimming pools per year, resulting in €125,000 of savings.
  • Alerts have drastically reduced requests for leak discounts on customer bills.

Metropolitana Milanese (MM) is preparing for the future with AQUADVANCED®

MM – Milan’s public-sector water company–has invested in our solution as a complete monitoring, management and optimisation ecosystem to help it achieve its energy saving and efficiency targets.

Since it was deployed, the amount of energy needed to produce and distribute a cubic metre of water has been reduced by 8%, cutting CO2 emissions by 2,600 tonnes per year (to 400 g/kWh).

Improving Denver Water’s pipework renewal programme

Denver Water, the largest water management service in the US state of Colorado, distributes drinking water to more than 1.5 million customers. The distribution network consists of thousands of kilometres of pipework of varying ages, materials and sizes. To ensure the best possible level of service for its customers, Denver Water replaces several kilometres of damaged pipework each year. Every year, therefore, it must select the precise sections of pipework to be replaced, taking into account their specific features.

To optimise, simplify and improve this annual work, AssetAdvanced™ has helped Denver Water plan pipework replacements:

  • Consolidation of all factors that determine whether pipework is replaced.
  • Prioritisation of actions in order to create reliable, optimised renewal programmes.
  • Identification of key performance indicators.
  • Introduction of a replacement system that includes implementation recommendations and quantitative information about the resulting gains.

The system has many benefits for Denver Water, including:

  • The creation of a comprehensive, dynamic and transparent programme for the replacement of the main sections of pipework, using all of the service’s data.
  • Risk and feasibility assessments and return-on-investment calculations.

With PUB, we are innovating to shape the future of water in Singapore

Since 2015 we have been working closely with PUB—Singapore’s national water agency—as part of large-scale projects and R&D pilots relating to water management and conservation and the digitalisation of the country’s water system. The common goal of this partnership, which covers the whole water industry, is to make a major commitment to collaborative innovation in order to meet Singapore’s water-related challenges and make its water system more sustainable and resilient.

We are helping PUB develop its smart water network analysis platform, an advanced version of our AQUADVANCED® Water Networks platform that will help improve PUB’s operational efficiency and resilience. The platform can detect and locate incidents related to water quality and pressure in the network. It can also produce accurate simulations and propose suitable remedial action to allow more efficient decision-making.

PUB will have a clearer view of the condition of its network, as well as enhanced analysis capabilities for its simulation and forecasting work. PUB will be able to implement a more comprehensive network management strategy, make its operations more efficient and minimise the impact on its customers.

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