What is e-accessibility?
An accessible website is one that enables persons with disabilities to access its content and functions without difficulty.
For example, an accessible website makes it possible to:
- Browse via speech synthesis and/or refreshable braille display (used in particular by the blind and partially sighted).
- Customise the display of the website according to requirements (increase the size of the characters, change the colours etc.).
- Browse without a mouse (using the keyboard alone, via a touch screen, voice or any other appropriate device).
To do this, the website must comply with the standards in force during its creation and upgrades.
Declaration of accessibility
SUEZ undertakes to make its websites, intranet sites, extranet sites and software packages accessible pursuant to Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005.
For that purpose, it implements the following strategy and measures:
- 2020-2022 multi-year accessibility plan: to be introduced,
- Measures taken in 2019-2020: accessibility audit conducted in August 2020, compliance assessment work (2 workshops held by the publication date of this declaration) in order to implement the 2020-2021 action plan.
- 2020-2021 action plan: to be introduced.
This declaration applies to https://www.suez.com.
Compliance status
Results of tests
The compliance audit carried out by Atalan reveals that 38 % of the RGAA version 4.0 criteria have been met, i.e.:
- 28 compliant criteria
- 45 non-compliant criteria.
- 33 non-applicable criteria.
The percentage of RGAA criteria respected is calculated by dividing the number of compliant criteria by the number of applicable criteria, given that:
- A criterion is deemed compliant if it is compliant on all pages of the sample. If a criterion is non-compliant on a single page of the sample, it is not deemed compliant to calculate the rate.
- For a criterion to be applicable, it only needs to be applicable on a single page of the sample. This means that a criterion does not apply if it is not applicable on all of the pages of the sample, without exception.
Non-accessible content
Non conformities
The RGAA 4 non-compliant criteria are listed below:
- Criterion 1.1. Does each image that provides information have an alternative text?
- Criterion 1.2. Is each decorative image correctly ignored by the assistive technologies?
- Criterion 1.3. For each image providing information that has an alternative text, is this alternative text relevant (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 1.5. For each image used as a CAPTCHA, is there an alternative solution for access to the content or function of the CAPTCHA?
- Criterion 1.6. If necessary, does each image that provides information have a detailed description?
- Criterion 2.1. Does each frame have a frame title?
- Criterion 2.2. For each frame that has a frame title, is the frame title relevant?
- Criterion 3.1. On each web page, the information must not be provided solely by the colour. Is this rule respected?
- Criterion 3.2. On each web page, is there sufficient contrast between the text colour and the background colour (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 3.3. On each web page, is there sufficient contrast between the colours used in the interface components or the graphical elements that provide information (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 4.1. If necessary, does each prerecorded time-based media have a textual transcript or an audio description (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 4.4. For each prerecorded synchronized time-based media that has synchronized subtitles, are the subtitles relevant?
- Criterion 4.6. For each prerecorded time-based media that has a synchronized audio description, is this audio description relevant?
- Criterion 5.4. For each data table that has a title, is the title correctly linked to the data table?
- Criterion 5.6. For each data table, has each column heading and each line heading been correctly declared?
- Criterion 5.7. For each data table, has the appropriate technique been used to associate each cell with its heading (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 6.1. Is each link explicit (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 6.2. On each web page, apart from anchors, does each link have a title?
- Criterion 7.1. If necessary, is each script compatible with the assistive technologies?
- Criterion 7.3. Can each script be controlled by the keyboard and by any pointing device (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 7.5. On each web page, are the status messages correctly reproduced by the assistive technologies?
- Criterion 8.2. For each web page, is the source code generated valid according to the type of document specified (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 8.6. For each web page that has a page title, is this title relevant?
- Criterion 8.7. On each web page, is each change of language indicated in the source code (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 8.9. On each web page, the tags must not only be used for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected?
- Criterion 9.1. On each web page, is the information structured by the appropriate use of titles?
- Criterion 9.2. On each web page, is the structure of the document consistent (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 9.3. On each web page, is each list correctly structured?
- Criterion 9.4. On each web page, has each quotation been correctly indicated?
- Criterion 10.4. On each web page, does the text remain legible if the character size is increased by at least 200% (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 10.6. On each web page, is each link whose nature is not obvious, visible compared to the surrounding text?
- Criterion 10.7. On each web page, for each item in focus, is the focus visible?
- Criterion 10.10. On each web page, information must not be provided solely by the form, size or position. Has this rule been implemented relevantly?
- Criterion 10.12. On each web page, can the text spacing be redefined by the user without loss of content or functionality (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 11.1. Does each form field have a label?
- Criterion 11.2. Is each label linked to a form field relevant (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 11.9. On each form, is the title of each button relevant (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 11.10. On each form, is validity checking used relevantly (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 11.11. On each form, if necessary, is validity checking accompanied by suggestions to make it easier to correct data entry errors?
- Criterion 11.13. Can the purpose of an input field be deduced to facilitate automatic filling of fields with the user’s data?
- Criterion 12.6. Can the zones grouping together content on several web pages (header, main menu, main content, footer and search engine) be accessed or skipped?
- Criterion 12.7. On each web page, is there a link to skip or for quick access to the main content zone (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 12.8. On each web page, is the tab order consistent?
- Criterion 13.3. On each web page, if necessary, is there an accessible version of each downloadable office IT document (except in special cases)?
- Criterion 13.8. On each web page, can all moving or flashing content be controlled by the user?
Exempt content (not subject to the accessibility obligation)
- YouTube player
- Google reCAPTCHA.
Content subject to exemptions for disproportionate burden
- The PDF documents in the section “Results and key figures” (https://www.suez.com/en/finance/financial-publications)
- The PDF documents in the section “Publications” (except for the documents “2020 Integrated Report” and “2016 Integrated Report”) (https://www.suez.com/en/news/list-of-publications)
- Any PDF documents on the other pages of the website
Drawing up of the declaration of accessibility
This declaration was drawn up on 01/10/2020 based on an audit carried out on 20/08/2020.
Technologies used to create https://www.suez.com
- HTML 5.2.
- CSS 3.
- Javascript.
- WAI-ARIA 1.1.
Test environment
Content reproduction checks were carried out based on the combination provided by the RGAA 4.0 reference database, with the following versions:
- Firefox 79.0 and NVDA 2020.2.
- Firefox 79.0 and Jaws 2020.
- Internet Explorer 11 and NVDA 2020.2.
- Internet Explorer 11 and Jaws 2020.
- Chrome 84.0 and TalkBack 8.2.
Tools to assess accessibility
- Color Contrast Analyser.
- Contrast Finder.
- HeadingsMap (Firefox extension).
- Firefox development tools.
- Web Developer Toolbar (Firefox extension).
Pages of the website concerned by the compliance audit
1. Home [https://www.suez.com/fr].
2. Contact [https://www.suez.com/fr/contact].
3. Site Map [https://www.suez.com/fr/plan-du-site].
4. Results of the search "waste" [https://www.suez.com/fr/search?query=d%C3%A9chets].
5. General terms of use [https://www.suez.com/fr/conditions-generales-d-utilisation].
6. Optimise the sorting and collection of waste at a large zoo in Belgium [https://www.suez.com/fr/notre-offre/succes-commerciaux/nos-references/planckendael-zoo-tri-et-collecte-dechets].
7. Our strategy: to become the worldwide leader in environmental services [https://www.suez.com/fr/notre-groupe/un-leader-mondial/notre-strategie-leader-mondial-services-environnement].
8. Careers [https://www.suez.com/fr/carrieres].
9. News [https://www.suez.com/fr/actualites].
10. Circularity, a necessary condition for sustainable food [https://www.suez.com/fr/actualites/circularite-condition-necessaire-alimentation-durable].
11. Results and key figures [https://www.suez.com/fr/finance/informations-financieres/resultats-et-chiffres-cles].
12. Publications [https://www.suez.com/fr/actualites/publications].
13. Preserving biodiversity: SUEZ strengthens its commitments within “Entreprises Engagées pour la Nature/Act4Nature France” initiative [https://www.suez.com/fr/actualites/communiques-de-presse/preservation-de-la-biodiversite-suez-renforce-ses-engagements].
14. VIDEO: highlights of SUEZ in 2019 [https://www.suez.com/fr/actualites/video-les-temps-forts-de-suez-en-2019].
15. Glossary [https://www.suez.com/fr/lexique].
Feedback and contact
If you are unable to access content or a service, you can contact the manager of https://www.suez.com/ for information on an accessible alternative, or to obtain the content in another form, by sending a message via the contact form.
Appeal procedure
This procedure must be used in the following situation: you have informed the manager of the website of a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing content or one of the services of the portal and you have not received a satisfactory reply.
- Write a message to the Rights Defender: https://formulaire.defenseurdesdroits.fr/
- Contact the representative of the Rights Defender in your region: https://www.defenseurdesdroits.fr/saisir/delegues
- Send a letter by post (free, no stamp required):
Défenseur des droits
Libre réponse 71120
75342 Paris Cedex 07