Your arrival at SUEZ

At SUEZ, to help you familiarise yourself with our organisation, the water and waste businesses and your new role, we have developed onboarding processes specific to each subsidiary, each business line and sometimes each role!

Dear colleague, welcome to SUEZ, a wonderful group that’s a leader in the circular economy, at the heart of the ecological transition, headed by a passionate management team. With your talent and experience, you will make a key contribution to our Group’s success. I’m genuinely delighted that you’ve joined us, and I thank you for placing your trust in us. Together with all the members of the Executive Committee I hope you have a fulfilling career at SUEZ.
Sabrina Soussan , Chairman and CEO of SUEZ

During your first few months within the Group, you will take part in an onboarding process: you will have meetings with your peers, receive documentation and take part in online training to familiarise you with your new working environment.

As well as group training sessions, you will take part in a welcome session that informs you about your subsidiary, department and working environment.

Our commitments to employees

Working at SUEZ means working for a company with high-quality working conditions. We are actively committed to the well-being of our employees, and we carefully monitor three key aspects.


A strict and ambitious health and safety policy

We take action every day to protect all the lives and health of employees, subcontractors, customers and citizens. We want to set an example and we deploy ambitious action plans to achieve our target of having “zero serious or fatal accidents”.

Attractive remuneration

- Holistic: remuneration comprises all elements, monetary and non-monetary, direct and indirect, immediate and deferred, and we use all available methods such as incentive plans, profit-sharing and attractive health cover.
- Competitive: in each country in which we operate, remuneration levels are among the best in the market.
- Fair: remuneration takes into account both individual and collective performance.

An established remote working policy

The SUEZ group encourages remote working everywhere we operate, in order to improve our employees’ quality of life at work and increase flexibility.

In France, we offer remote working to all employees whose roles enable them to do so: if they wish to, a collective agreement allows them to work remotely for two days per week.

Management that listens

Listening to employees is a crucial part of our corporate culture. 

We foster a culture of feedback and active listening so that we can make progress together and encourage each employee to discuss matters with their manager, but also with General Management and the Human Resources Department.

We have several initiatives throughout the year to facilitate those discussions.

Global Webcast

Three times per year, our Chair and Chief Executive Officer Sabrina Soussan, accompanied by various members of the Executive Committee, hold discussion sessions with all Group employees. Those sessions are an opportunity to raise employees’ awareness of health and safety matters, share news about the Group’s success, and cover other topical issues.

They bring together our 40,000 employees and are an important way for them to keep up to date with the Group’s news.

Ask your question

Every month, our Chair and Chief Executive Officer Sabrina Soussan and an Executive Committee member answer all employees’ questions, and unfiltered!


Every year, we carry out an engagement survey in which employees can express their views. The results allow us to identify and understand their expectations more effectively, and our subsidiaries respond to them by implementing action plans.

The survey shows that our engagement rate has risen continuously, and was 63% at the end of 2023.