As a global leader in the water and waste management sectors, we have been operating for over 160 years all over the world. We provide essential services to protect the resource and improve quality of life wherever we operate.
Headed by Sabrina Soussan, our Group is supported by a solid consortium of shareholders and a governance structure built around a Board of Directors and an Executive Committee.
At SUEZ, working to serve the environment is our day-to-day reality. In our water and waste businesses, our teams take action on the ground and help find solutions to build a sustainable future.
Combined General Meeting of may 14th, 2019 : availability of preparatory documents for the General Meeting
The Company’s shareholders are called to a Combined General Meeting on Tuesday, May 14th, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. at Salle Pleyel, 252 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris - France.
The notice of meeting serving as convocation, containing the agenda and the draft resolutions as well as the terms and conditions on how to attend and to vote at this General Meeting, was published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales et Obligatoires today.
The information and documents relating to the General Meeting will be made available to shareholders in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory provisions, and may, in particular, be consulted on the Company’s website.
The General Meeting will be asked in particular to approve:
the allocation of a dividend of € 0.65 per share, with an ex-dividend date on May 20th, 2019 and a payment date on May 22nd, 2019;
the following resolutions regarding the Board’s composition (being specified that Ms. Valérie Bernis and Mr. Lorenz d’Este did not request the renewal of their mandates):
renewal of the mandates of Ms. Isabelle Kocher, Ms. Anne Lauvergeon and Mr. Nicolas Bazire;
the appointment of Mr. Bertrand Camus as director, whose mandate as Chief Executive Officer will come into force at the end of the General Meeting of May 14th, 2019;
the appointment of Ms. Martha J. Crawford as independent director;
Martha J. Crawford, born on September 30, 1967, holds a PhD in Environmental and Chemical Engineering from Harvard University (United States) and an MBA from the Collège des Ingénieurs (France). From 1991 to 1999, she held several positions in environmental infrastructure and technology at the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. She then became Principal Administrator of the Environmental Performance Division of the OECD until 2007. She was appointed Senior Vice President of Research and Development of the Air Liquide group before being appointed in 2011 as Senior Executive Vice President of Research and Innovation of Areva, where she also served as a member of the Executive Committee. From 2014 to 2015, she served as Director General of Advanced Research for L'Oréal. Since 2014, she has also been a R&D consultant for companies and governments. She was director of IPSEN Pharmaceuticals from 2013 to 2016 and since 2015 she is an Independent Director on the Board of Altran Technologies, SUEZ Head Office: Tour CB21 - 16 place de l’iris, 92040 Paris La Défense Cedex, France - Tel: +33 (0)1 58 81 20 00 - Limited Liability Company with a share capital of €2,485,450,316 – 433 466 570 RCS Nanterre – TVA FR 68433 466 570 where she chairs the Committee on Nominations and Remuneration, and is a member of the Audit Committee. In July 2016 she joined the Harvard Business School (United States) faculty, as Professor of Practice, and specialist in technology, innovation and product development. Martha J. Crawford also continues to serve as a Scientific Advisor to the Naval Group (former DCNS), a French company that makes nuclear submarines, frigates, and other naval equipment and as member of the Board of the International Risk Governance Council (IRGC). Of American nationality by birth, Martha J. Crawford also has the French nationality, since 1999, and has raised three Franco-American children.
the elements of compensation paid or allocated during 2018 fiscal year to the Chairman of the Board and the CEO, as well as their compensation policies for 2019;
the renewal of various financial authorizations previously granted, especially related to share buyback and employee shareholding.