Produce water of superior quality

We offer solutions to reduce water hardness through collective carbonate removal and to eliminate micropolluants.

Reduce water hardness through collective carbonate removal

Producing water with a lower limestone content is not just a question of user comfort. It is also a case of responding to environmental, economic and public health issues:

  • Provide all users with fresh water at a reduced cost, identical for everyone thanks to collective carbonate removal. 
  • Limit discharges into the natural environment of detergents and anti-limescale products containing phosphates.
  • Reduce energy consumption related to the scaling of household equipment and pipelines.
  • Reduce the slow release in water of certain potentially toxic metals such as copper or lead, used to manufacture pipes.
  • Begin with a preliminary diagnostic phase to adjust the carbonate removal technology to hardness reduction objectives, the quality of water resources, and the operating constraints of the water production plant.
  • Opt for one of our collective carbonate removal solutions:   
        - SOFTAZUR C, chemical carbonate removal by catalytic reactor
        - DENSADEG®, chemical carbonate removal with sludge recirculation reactor (see the product sheet)
        - Physicochemical carbonate removal on ion exchange resins
        - ERCA2, physical carbonate removal by electrocatalysis.

Eliminate micropollutants

The change in our consumption patterns results in the appearance of new pollutants in water. Called “micropollutants”, these emerging pollutants are found in very low concentrations, by the micro or nanogram per litre:

  • Effectively eliminate micropollutants thanks to our expertise in treatment processes.
  • Optimise the choice of technology used depending on the characteristics of your water resource and its place in the treatment process: reverse osmosis or nanofiltration membrane filtration, ozonation or advanced oxidation, or adsorption on activated carbon.

Micropollutants: what is it ? - SUEZ

Credit: SUEZ group