Our ESG certifications and results

In 2024, our environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives have been rewarded by two globally recognised organisations: EcoVadis, which has awarded us a gold medal; and CDP, which has given us a double A- rating in recognition of our climate and water stewardship initiatives.

Progress report on our sustainable development roadmap

We announced our sustainability commitments in January 2023 through the publication of our 2023-2027 roadmap. We report on the progress we have made towards those commitments every year. Our first progress report was published in April 2024.

Our progress report 2023


Non-financial performance

Non-financial reporting allows all internal and external stakeholders to track our progress in terms of sustainability.

The Non-Financial Performance Statement (NFPS)  is a mandatory document that sets out our business model, analyses the main risks and opportunities related to our business, and describes the policies we adopt and the associated action plans, along with their results, including key performance indicators.

Our taxonomy reporting, included in the NFPS, identifies our main business activities that contribute to Europe’s carbon neutrality target as part of the Green Deal. The aim of the European green taxonomy is to direct public- and private-sector investment towards activities that contribute to the transition to a more sustainable economy.

In 2023, 62% of our revenue was taxonomy-eligible, and 38% was taxonomy-aligned (an increase of 14 points relative to 2022).

European taxonomy eligibility and alignment of our business activities: results

Image Generic - Taxonomie
Image Generic - Taxonomie

2023 Non-financial performance statement


Proactive approach

In addition to our regulatory obligations, we voluntarily engage in certification procedures that assess how robust our commitments are in terms of sustainability, ESG performance and transparency.

The CDP is an international non-profit organisation that is regarded as the global benchmark for environmental ratings. It assesses the transparency of companies’ environmental disclosures and their efforts to reduce their environmental footprint. In 2023, the CDP assessed a record 23,000 companies around the world.

The CDP awarded us two A- ratings in 2023, recognising our leadership in terms of reducing our direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to climate risks and ensuring sustainable stewardship of water resources. These ratings also highlight our firm commitment to stepping up our efforts between now and 2030.

Image Generic - CDP
Image Generic - CDP
EcoVadis is a world leader in terms of corporate sustainability assessments, which take into account 21 criteria. In 2024, we obtained the EcoVadis gold medal, which puts us among the top 5% companies rated by this organisation. This is an acknowledgement of our efforts in terms of the environment, human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.
Image Generic - EcoVadis
Image Generic - EcoVadis
We also adhere to the United Nations Global Compact initiative, and we are committed to complying with the 10 sustainability principles set out by the UN as regards respecting human rights, complying with international labour standards, protecting the environment and combating corruption.

Our ESG performance reporting standards

We use established frameworks and standards to assess the performance of our sustainability efforts. We take into account the principles and recommendations of the following organisations:

Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol)

The GHG Protocol is an international protocol that provides a framework for measuring, recognising and managing greenhouse gas emissions from public- and private-sector activities, and was developed by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the World Resources Institute (WRI).

The assessment of our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a vital way of monitoring our efforts to reduce our impact on the climate. Our GHG emissions are calculated on the basis of technical data collected at each of our operational sites, while using the GHG Protocol® recognition methodologies.

Breakdown of our greenhouse gas emissions in 2023:

Image Generic - emissions GES par activites
Image Generic - emissions GES par activites
Image Generic - emission GES par activites tableau
Image Generic - emission GES par activites tableau