ON’connect™ switch: close a remote water supply as soon as a leak is detected

In order to avoid an unusually high water bill or even possible water damage, the ON'connect™ switch solution detects leaks within your buildings and remotely controls the closure of the relevant water supply point. Managers can thus control their water consumption and ensure the continuity of activities within the facilities.
With ON'connect™ switch, the water supply can be cut off manually from the digital platform or automatically when a threshold is exceeded. Thanks to the consumption reports, users understand the consumption patterns according to days and hours, and can then program the opening and closing of valves according to the frequency of use of the buildings (holidays, weekends) to prevent any risk of leaks.

ON’connect™ switch (version française) - SUEZ

Credit: SUEZ group

ON'connect™ switch provides:
  • Monitoring of water consumption at the various water points monitored
  • Leak alerts by SMS or email
  • Manual or automatic closing of water supply
  • Programming of the opening and closing times of the water supply
  • Securing the facilities
  • Maintaining activities on site
  • Immediate response in case of detected leakage to limit losses
  • Control of the water bill
  • Gain points to obtain certifications and financial aid (CEE, BREEAM, HQE, etc.)
Success cases
  • Bontaz assembly plant:
    • 11 leaks detected on the 2 equipped networks
    • 4,201 m³ of water were saved
    • ROI achieved in 3 months
  • 3 high schools in the Grand Est region:
    • 26 leaks detected of approximately 1,149 L /h
    • 23,407 m³ of water saved
    • ROI achieved in less than 4 months