"From a deserted landscape to a reforested landscape"
Water collection to strengthen access to drinking water
See project details of "From a deserted landscape to a reforested landscape"
"Cajouvalor" and "Interk'eau"
Developing a technology to recovery energy from cashew nut shells.
How to reuse wallnut hulls in Burkina Faso - RONGEAD-CEFREPADE
Credit: SUEZ group
Given the success of CAJOUVALOR in Ivory Coast, a new project, "Agrovalor", was launched, combining the revaluation of cashew and shea butter waste. In 2018, some thirty CAJOUVALOR ovens are being built in West Africa.
See project details of "Cajouvalor"
"Interk'eau" sustainably improving access to drinking water and sanitation in Niger
How to bring drinking water in Niger - EAU VIVE
Credit: SUEZ group
See project details of "Interk'eau"
"Biogas installation in Durame prison, Ethiopia"
A digestion tank installed to produce biogas from wastewater and organic waste.
See project details of "Biogas installation in Durame prison, Ethiopia"
"Mothers Club in the Savannah region of Togo" and "Semi-collective sanitation in Africa"
Good practice in water, hygiene and sanitation
Initiative Awards 2011-2012 - Acces to essential services : Togo and French Red-Cross
Credit: SUEZ group
See project details of "Mothers Club in the Savannah region of Togo"
"Support for semi-collective sanitation in the underprivileged neighbourhoods of 9 cities in French-speaking Africa" project.
A special prize was attributed to Enda Europe for its "Support for semi-collective sanitation in the underprivileged neighbourhoods of 9 cities in French-speaking Africa.
- To improve access to sanitation in the cities involved in the project: Rufisque, Bignona, Dagana, Saint-Louis, Dakar (Senegal), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Bertoua, Edéa, Douala (Cameroon).
- To increase public awareness of the ways in which illnesses are spread relating to water, a lack of hygiene, insufficient sanitation and suitable prophylactic barriers.
- To promote an integrated water resources management (IWRM) system.
See project details of "Semi-collective sanitation in Africa"
LESEAU" technical innovation and "CAWST" organization
Grand Prix 2010 - Concours Eau pour Tous : Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé
Credit: SUEZ group
"LESEAU" new prototype for better access to water
The LESEAU project targets populations with no access to the public water supply or with only intermittent access due to frequent interruptions in supply.
Pilots have been under way since 2005 and the results have been very promising in terms of community health, especially for children under five years of age.
See project details of "LESEAU"
Prix Spécial 2010 - Concours Eau pour Tous : CAWST
Credit: SUEZ group
CAWST offers a training method built around nine major topics.
CAWST is a Canadian engineering organisation that aims to help communities find and implement locally appropriate technical and managerial solutions relating to water and sanitation. CAWST offers a training method built around nine major topics, such as water treatment, low-cost sanitation and rainwater harvesting in disadvantaged regions.
See project details of "CAWST"
"Collective Water Supply Stations" and "Barefoot college "
Grand Prix 2009 - Concours Eau pour Tous : 2iE
Credit: SUEZ group
(CWSS) a running water supply of 2iE
Collective Water Supply Stations (CWSS) provide a supply of running water from taps installed in a public space and equipped with metering facilities.
Prix Spécial 2009 - Concours Eau pour Tous : Barefoot College
Credit: SUEZ group
"Barefoot" skills enhancement
Taking advantage of informal know-how and local experience, the Barefoot College trains villagers, and in particular women, those combating illiteracy and those most disadvantaged, in practical matters relating to fields such as water, energy and health.