Research engineer

The role of a research engineer at SUEZ consists of carrying out research programs while observing the objectives defined by the business division.
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Main activities

  • Prepares projects according to the defined objectives and the expected deliverables
  • Organizes the start and monitoring of the technical side of research projects
  • Designs models, organizes tests, ensures their relevance, collects results, compiles reports of tests and summaries
  • Writes scientific articles in specialized national and international publications
  • Participates in international conferences on research projects
  • Compiles the documentation for operational units and lobby groups
  • Participates in the escalation of needs in R&D
  • Compiles the budget for his/her research program and manages the set budget
  • Cooperates in technical support assignments in his/her professional field


Is able to supervise technicians and interns participating in his/her projects

External corporate relations

International scientific conferences, relations with universities

“The job involves a lot of coordinating and supporting. Another important aspect is to communicate and use the results that we obtain. We need to communicate to promote our knowledge.”

PatriciaR&D engineer CIRSEE (France)

Required experience

Pictogram picture
Engineer or PhD in analytical chemistry, biology, water treatment  and chemical engineering
Pictogram picture
In-depth knowledge of his/her specialized field

Key skills required

  • Self-starter
  • Team player
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Curiosity and creativity

Possibilities for personal development