Global Leakage Summit 2023

Thistle Hotel (formerly Amba), Marble Arch, London and online
From 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM local time
  • The Global Leakage Summit brings delegates a mix of top-quality UK and international water utility speakers. We’ll hear how they have overcome challenges to reduce leakage from their networks and continue to meet customer demand.

    Pierre Bonardet, Chief Solutions Officer of the SUEZ Distribution Technical Centre will be presenting at this event on ‘Achieving High Performance in Water Networks’. The presentation will showcase two case studies of water networks that have achieved high performance in different contexts: SEOP network in west Paris Region (France) and Nuove Acque network in the Arezzo district (Italy).

    Meet our SUEZ experts at the Global Leakage Summit 2023 that will be held September 05-06, 2023 in London.

    If you would like to meet up with any of the SUEZ team at this event, please get in touch