The mission
SAT32 (Syndicat des eaux Armagnac Tenareze) serves 15 municipalities and 11,000 inhabitants via 730km drinking water network. The utility was faced with an ageing stock of water meters, decided to introduce smart metering, renewing its 6,800 meters in order to improve the operational efficiency of the staff dedicated to meter as well as the quality of service provided to customers.
Our solution
The water company turned to SUEZ to install a smart metering system to provide remote reading and billing based on actual consumption. The new system enabled customers to be alerted more quickly in the event of overconsumption and to react without delay when there was a leak.
The result
- Standardisation of the meter fleet
- Quality of customer service
- Detect leaks and treat them as quickly as possible
- Optimise operations
- Improving network efficiency
BILLING By making metering and consumption data more reliable, the deployment of smart metering has facilitated billing management and reduced the number of requests for rebates, which was a real financial loss for the Syndicat.
LEAKAGE Customers are now alerted in the event of leaks or over-consumption and know their actual consumption, which has improved their satisfaction with the water service.
NETWORK EFFICIENCY In addition, the deployment of smart metering has helped to improve network efficiency, which has risen from 62% in 2021 to 66% in 2022. This represents a 4% increase in network efficiency. The water volume counts are much better due to the metering efficiencies which reduces the amount that was previously considered to be water leaks.

Case study : Replacing ageing water meters to optimise operational efficiency, identify leaks and improve customer service