Struvite scaling in pipes and deposits in digesters
In wastewater treatment plants, phosphorus is either removed through chemical precipitation or by biological phosphorus removal.
Especially, in cases where the plant is designed for biological phosphorus removal, operational challenges can occur due to precipitation of struvite in pumps and pipes.
As an answer to these operational challenges, solutions for controlled Phosphorus precipitation and recovery can be applied.
Especially, in cases where the plant is designed for biological phosphorus removal, operational challenges can occur due to precipitation of struvite in pumps and pipes.
As an answer to these operational challenges, solutions for controlled Phosphorus precipitation and recovery can be applied.
Recovery of phosphorus via struvite precipitation
Phosphogreen™ is a phosphorus recovery process based on a precipitation-crystallization reaction.
This technology allows for production of struvite pellets that can be used directly as fertilizer e.g. in agriculture.
We have proven efficiency of this solution in Marselisborg wastewater treatment plant in Aarhus.
Contact us

Per Kroyer Christensen
CEO of SUEZ Denmark
[email protected]