Improve quality of service and user satisfaction

We offer solutions to guarantee water quality by efficiently monitoring your drinking water network in real time, ensure continuous drinking water distribution, and react to leaks in the drinking water network quickly.

Guarantee water quality by efficiently monitoring your drinking water network in real time

We optimise your daily network management by monitoring the flow, pressure and quality of the water:
  • Benefit from a global, real-time view of your network that accounts for any failures and the means to improve performance (leak localisation, energy etc.)
  • Swift remote intervention via flowmeters and pressure regulation valves connected to the IT system

Ensure continuous drinking water distribution

Our solutions enable you to analyse your drinking water network’s performance, adapt it and apply innovative technology to guarantee continuous clean drinking water distribution:
  • Understand how your network functions thanks to hydraulic modelling and GIS analysis
  • Control your network efficiently using ideal segmentation
  • Obtain efficient data by installing advanced flow meters and sensors (pressure, water quality, acoustics)
  • Control pressure effectively using regulation valves connected to a modulation system
  • Develop a smart water network with AQUADVANCED® Water networks

React to leaks in the drinking water network quickly

We provide innovative technologies that can efficiently detect and repair leaks in your network:
  • Apply appropriate leak detection tools and optimum localisation techniques specifically adapted to your network
  • Benefit from cutting-edge technologies (tracer gas, acoustic systems etc.) to limit nuisance which may affect surrounding areas and local residents
  • Plan maintenance work and subsequent procedures
  • Use appropriate repair equipment
  • Manage, coordinate and locate repair work using our AQUADVANCED® Water networks and GIS software

Provide users with accurate invoicing and responsive Customer Service

We meter and invoice consumption accurately to improve customer satisfaction. Use our solutions to:
  • Compile and update customer information using surveys to ensure accurate invoicing
  • Optimise your Customer Service management with efficient technical, human and logistics resources
  • Offer every customer high-quality consumer relations in their local area providing information, raising awareness and managing all types of operation
  • Select the most reliable meters and installation techniques to safeguard your revenue
  • Identify which meters need replacing and prioritise their repair
  • Use our real-time Smart Meter Reading system for improved reliability
  • Help your customers control their water consumption with remote metering and advice published on dedicated customers websites
  • Pre-empt payment issues by applying monthly payment and tariff engineering solutions, payment schedules and social mediation operations
  • Offer your customers all the benefits of a modern, innovative Smart Metering service: alerts in case of potential leaks and regular invoices based on actual consumption
  • Respond to emergency situations through local solidarity support funds and water cheques, closer social monitoring of unpaid bills and advice for detecting invisible water leaks