
International accounting standards effective from 1 January 2005 to facilitate the comparison of companies’ financial situations.
IFU-imprime fiscal unique
Facility subject to authorisation, designed to incinerate waste. More and more incinerators now rcover waste in the form of electricity or thermal energy. The by-products of incineration (bottom ash and fly ash) are processed with a view to controlling the impacts of this activity both on mankind and on the environment.
Industrial wastewater
Wastewater resulting from an industrial or commercial activity.
Inert waste
Waste which unlikely to evolve physically or chemically (non toxic, non biodegradable, very low solubility in water, non oxidizable), for example, backfill, rubble, etc.
ISIN code
International Securities Identification Number – this is the international identification for financial securities (shares, bonds etc).  Ticker code (or symbol): complementary to the ISIN, it evokes the company’s name, and is therefore easier to remember."